* Voter Identity Card/Pan Card/Driving License of the Bride and Bridegroom for Age Proof and Identity Proof.
* Voter Identity Card/Pan Card/Driving License of the Guardian/Father/Mother for Identity Proof.
* Voter I. Card/Pan Card/D.L of two witnesses.
* Current Holding Tax Receipt.
* Invitation Card of both bride and bridegroom.
* Joint Photograph on marriage pendal.
* Joint or individual affidavit stating date and venue of marriage as per Hindu rites and customs.
* Cash Deposit
* Treasury Challan-Rs.7/-within one month of marriage.
* Treasury Challan-Rs.32/-after one month of marriage.
* Head of Account-“XXX-VI-Misc.-b-Misc.-F-Misc.-0210-Medical & PH-04-PH-800 & others Receipts.”
* Rs.500/-Cash deposit in C.M.C Cash Counter.
* Who are to be present?
* Bride and groom-Mandatory.
* Parents/guardian of Bride and Groom-Optional.
* Two witness.
* Important Notice
* No application for registration of marriage shall be entertained unless it is accompanied by Treasury Challan for Rs.7/- or Rs.32/- as per case may be and Marriage Registration will take place only on Wednesday and Saturday between 10:30 A.M to 1:30 P.M. and 3:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M
* Important Points on Marriage Registration
* Marriage Registration will take place only on Wednesday and Saturday between 10:30 A.M to 1:30 P.M. and 3:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M
* Marriage Certificate will only be issued one day after Registration i.e. on Friday and Tuesday subject to submission of all documents.